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  • Contains descriptions of changes made to the Kaikoura Seismic Hazard Model fault source model. Supplement to: Gerstenberger MC, Rhoades DA, Litchfield NJ, Abbott ER, Goded T, Christophersen A, Van Dissen RJ, Bannister S, Barrell DJA, Bruce ZRV, et al. 2022. A time-dependent seismic hazard model following the Kaikōura M7.8 earthquake. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. Cite as: Gerstenberger MC, Rhoades DA, Litchfield NJ, Abbott ER, Goded T, Christophersen A, Van Dissen RJ, Bannister S, Barrell DJA, Bruce ZRV, et al. 2022. Supplement 2: Descriptions and data sources for modified or newly added fault sources (in alphabetical order).